New Adventures

What a crazy few weeks we’ve had! After our busiest summer/fall season ever, we’ve wrapped up our edits and are now writing from Melbourne, Australia. We’ll be shooting our friend’s wedding in Melbourne on Saturday (so excited!) and then embarking on a whirlwind journey through Tasmania and New Zealand for the next several weeks. We are looking forward to experiencing some incredible places and sharing our photos. Also, we’ll be celebrating our eighth anniversary in Tasmania next week, keep an eye out for a post in just a few days!

We want to thank our couples for helping us pull off such a great summer and fall season. We are so thankful that you’ve shared such a special part of your lives with us, and for helping us do what we love most. Also, keep an eye out for a little something from us this holiday season! We’ll end with this thoughtful quote from Christophe Agou, French documentary photographer:
Looking and seeing are two different things. What matters is the relationship with the subject.

Cheers from Melbourne,
Monica & Judd